Trade In

Switch to REDDOXX now and save money!

Acquire a one-year subscription – get additional two years for free

  • You are dissatisfied with your current solution or with the support you are getting at the moment?
  • You would like to use a virtual environment instead of relying on your local hardware solution?
  • Make the switch to REDDOXX and we will reward to for it!
Trade In Bonus

Welcome to REDDOXX

The switch is really easy

Make the switch from your current email archiving, anti-spam or encryption solution to REDDOXX MailDepot, Spamfinder or MailSealer and acquire a one-year licencse: We give you additional two years of updates on top which saves you up to 36% compared to our regular list prices. Take advantage of this attractive three-year-package deal!

With the trade-in bonus you don’t only profit financially but also gain access to REDDOXX’ matured and legally compliant solutions, which have been tried and tested in over 3.500 installations in Germany.

Request a nonbinding switch offer!

We will gladly provide you with an individual switch offer, if you provide us with a some basic information.

    Your contact information

    Which of our solutions do you intend to use?


    Your current solution

    [text* aktuell placeholder Name of the solution you would like to replace"]

    Do you have questions or remarks?

    Malene Schröder

    Switch conditions

    Ensure a smooth transition!

    Switching to REDDOXX’ email archiving, spam protection or email encryption pays off. As part of our trade in bonus program we reward ‘switchers’ with two free additional years of software subscription.


    • One year of subscription must be bought in order to receive two additional years of subscription on top
    • Acquisition must take place through specialist retailers
    • The trade in bonus program is only valid with unlimited licenses
    • For MailDepot, Spamfinder and MailSealer
    • The respective signed destruction declaration must be present upon incoming order
    • No additional discount will be granted
    • Conditions also apply for non-profit prices

    Contact us now and benefit!

    Of course, our sales team will gladly provide you with more details and additional information. Please use the contact form above, write us an email to, or call us at +49 (0) 7021 92846-0.